해인사 외국어 학림안내
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작성자 관리자 작성일05-03-10 17:14 조회13,542회 댓글0건본문
Haeinsa International Institute
Haeinsa Temple is one of the oldest and largest monasteries in Korea. It represents and houses the Tripitaka Koreana, the entire set of Buddhist texts and all commentaries that were carefully carved on wooden blocks, dating from the 12th century CE.
Today Haeinsa, realizing the need for expanding the traditional temple education curriculum, has elected to set up a two-year English immersion program for 15 carefully chosen bhikkunis (nuns). The nuns will receive a broad and professional education that will eventually enable them to participate in many of the international projects in which Korean Buddhism is involved.
Academic Schedule and Curriculum
Academic Schedule
1. Duration of the program: 2 years
2. Academic terms
(1) Academic year consists of four quarters, each of which lasts 10 weeks. There is a 3-week break between terms.
(2) Academic year begins in early March and ends in later February.
(2005 is an exception as it will start at the end of May.)
3. Class periods
From Monday through Friday, students will have regular classes (50 mins. class; 10 mins. break) and on weekends, they will have special activities.
(1) Regular class: four hours (7:00-11:00) and four hours (13:00-17:00)
(2) Weekend class:
a. Saturdays: 2 hours (9:00-11:00) and 4 hours (13:00-17:00)
b. Sundays: four hours (13:00-17:00)
4. Private study sessions
5. Special classes
Students will have special topics/activities classes with visiting lecturers.
1. Goals
Students will be able to communicate with English speakers in both spoken and written modes on Buddhist and general subjects.
2. Subjects
(1) Regular classes: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and culture
(2) Special classes: grammar, TOEFL/TOEIC, Buddhism, computer-based instruction
3. Levels
The first year is focused on fluency in communicating naturally with English speakers, by stressing listening comprehension and speaking skills; and the second year is focused on accuracy and specialized vocabulary by means of reading and writing on Buddhist topics and practicing basic translations skills.
First year: Elementary 1, 2, & 3 and Intermediate 1
Second year: Intermediate 2 & 3 and Advanced 1 & 2
Elementary 1: listening comprehension and speaking
Elementary 2: listening comprehension, speaking, & reading
Elementary 3: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, & writing
Intermediate 1: listening, speaking, reading, & writing
Intermediate 2: listening, speaking, reading, writing, & grammar
Intermediate 3: reading, speaking, writing, Buddhism
Advanced 1: reading and writing on Buddhism
Advanced 2: reading and translating Buddhist texts, basic interpretation skills
4. Textbooks and audio-visual instructional materials
5. Mode of instruction
This is a 24-hour total immersion program. The language of instruction in and out of classroom is English only. Korean can be used on Sunday mornings and in specially designated periods.
All classes are conducted on the following principles:
learner-centered (presentation-based);
task-oriented (hands-on practice-based)
and content-based (Buddhism and related fields).
6. Evaluation
A student’s progress is periodically checked and evaluated by means of interviews and written tests. The efficiency of the program will be evaluated by means of tests developed outside of the school, such as TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.
Daily Schedule
3:00-3:30 Morning Ritual
3:30-4:00 Meditation
4:00-5:30 Private Study
5:30-6:00 Breakfast
6:00-7:00 Free Time (cleaning etc.)
7:00-9:00 Morning Session Sat. Private Study Sun. Free Time
9:00-11:00 Morning Session Sat. Morning Session Sun. Free Time
11:00-12:00 Lunch
12:00-13:00 Free Time
13:00-17:00 Afternoon Session Sat. Special classes Sun. Review or Special Class
17:00-17:30 Break
17:30-18:30 Dinner
18:30-19:30 TV or Video Sat./Sun. Private Study
19:30-20:00 Individual Sessions or Daily Check-up Sat./Sun. Private Study
20:00-21:00 Private Study
21:00 Bed Time
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